14 Responses

  1. As I recall, during his earthly ministry, Jesus was constantly talking about ‘only coming to the House of Israel” and had to be ‘talked into’ helping the Gentiles in the land (of course He DID help, but not without being convinced) whether Samaritans, Romans, Greeks, etc.

    It was only after the Resurrection, immediately before the ascension, when permission was granted to ‘go into all the world’, and only after Pentecost was this command acted upon (Acts 10).

    In His Peace
    Jim E. <

  2. I read the bible. Where do you find this stuff? Make it up? Are there unauthorized biographies of Jesus’ life I’m not aware of?

  3. Jim was that directed to me?

    How about the Syro-Phonecian woman, who had to beg Jesus to heal her son (Mark 7)?

    Or the Leaders who had to convince Jesus to heal the servant of the Roman Centurion — which, when He talked to him directly, led Jesus to exclaim about the unusual level of his faith (Luke 7)?

    Those are just two examples. Biblical commentaries point out that when Jesus ministers to Jews, it is with word AND touch, when ministering to Gentiles (those outside of the Jewish faith), he does so usually only by word and at a distance.

    He also has harsh words for those who don’t believe in Him, and for the religious leaders (He called the scribes and pharisees — members of the Jewish ruling class — ‘hypocrites’ and ‘white-washed tombs’ see Matthew 15).

    Of course, once He rose from the dead, His ministry changed. Now, as triumphant over sin and death, He commands that His teaching be taken to “all the world”. But before that, it was primarily to the House of Israel.

  4. Do you think Jesus had to be “talked into” or do you think that maybe Jesus was shaming the Jews around him for their lack of faith? In both stories Jesus exclaimed the great faith of these Gentiles.

    Something to think about.

  5. Back on point, if you didn’t believe in Jesus, you wouldn’t be on your knees begging for help. In that same vein, I don’t believe in the government and you won’t find me on my knees begging for their help. I like this one a lot, and on multiple levels. Quality work.

  6. theotherneill,

    That is a valid interpretation. But so is the cartoon, even though I somehow think the cartoonist meant for us to take the opposite view in looking at the cartoon, that is, “Jesus would NOT do this”, when, in fact, He did (on at least two occasions)! So I look at it and say “By golly! He got it right!”

    But, remember, when Jesus was dealing with those who broke the law? “Go and sin no more”, and “repent”. So I think yes, Jesus would heal the illegal, but then tell him to return to their homeland and obey the law (“Render unto Caesar…”), as he did with Zaccheus, when the encounter with Jesus stirred his heart and conscience, so that he gave back the monies he cheated from collecting over the tax amounts.

    Nathan, I agree. Jesus never told his followers to rely on the Government to do what He commanded us to do (feed the poor, visit the prisoner, minister to the sick, etc.). And I hope we have the courage to do that which is right in dealing with those less fortunate than ourselves.

    At any rate, I hope all of us here who do believe in Jesus will take a moment each day to pray for those in positions of authority in the Government, from the President on down, that they would act justly and with the best interest of the People of the United States at heart.

    Jim E. <

  7. I’m impressed that someone is actually willing to take the first step toward “We should let sick illegal immigrants die of treatable ailments because there’s evidence that’s what Jesus would do.”

  8. That’s really interesting, Jim E., because you are claiming that at one point in time, man had god’s ear. Man had power over God. Man was able to CONVINCE God to do something. And that something was to heal the sick? God didn’t want to do it, Man had to convince him. So maybe we should be worshiping Man instead?

    I’m sorry, but Man is the one with race & national issues. Not God.

  9. Jim,

    I can only assume your parents were native american, therefore the rightful owners of the land we now occupy.

    Remind me again what the plaque on the staute of liberty says??

  10. Jim,

    I think you’re also forgetting what Jesus said to the Pharasees, “I desire mercy and not sacrifice.” (Matthew 12). Obeying the law is good, and I’m not saying we should be lawbreakers. On the other hand, to try to obey the law without tempering it with mercy is not what Jesus wants. Otherwise, it would be alright to condemn his own disciples for harvesting grain on the sabbath (which was the charge that brought the whole situation up in the first place).

  11. Nealo actually supports a very niche demographic of opinionated Neals & Jims. And he’s got that market CORNERED!

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