We should be able to insure our chilldrens secruity by the right to bear arms as teachers. If the teachers in the Virginia Tech shooting had linsenced conceled weapons the shooting wouldn’t have lasted as long or became as deadly.
Question. Is this cartoon suggesting that the way to be safe is have every child armed, or is it suggesting that all the children are already armed, so we should teach them really easy stuff to keep their self esteem high so they won’t kill each other in anger, i.e. all the “2+-/*2 on the board, or both?
I was trying to show the absurdity of the idea that the only way to ensure safety is to give people more guns. I was surprised that so many people responded to this cartoon like it was a great idea, though I should’ve known better.
The math on the board was supposed to imply that using guns to fight gun violence is a zero-sum game.
We should be able to insure our chilldrens secruity by the right to bear arms as teachers. If the teachers in the Virginia Tech shooting had linsenced conceled weapons the shooting wouldn’t have lasted as long or became as deadly.
Question. Is this cartoon suggesting that the way to be safe is have every child armed, or is it suggesting that all the children are already armed, so we should teach them really easy stuff to keep their self esteem high so they won’t kill each other in anger, i.e. all the “2+-/*2 on the board, or both?
I was trying to show the absurdity of the idea that the only way to ensure safety is to give people more guns. I was surprised that so many people responded to this cartoon like it was a great idea, though I should’ve known better.
The math on the board was supposed to imply that using guns to fight gun violence is a zero-sum game.