Commenters get it

Lincolnite Dwayne Ball’s Thursday letter to the editor at the Journal Star accused my Sunday cartoon of reaching “a new low” thanks to what he describes as a “personal,” “mean-spirited” and “ad hominem” attack. He claims that the information Marc Schniederjans withheld is well-known and could easily be compiled. The problem is, Ball and other […]

Tomorrow - 24 Hour Comics Day

The challenge is to write and draw a 24 hour comic book in 24 hours. That challenge begins in less than 24 hours in Lincoln and in slightly more than 24 hours in Omaha. Having participated in one before, I can say it’s a lot of fun, regardless of your artistic skill or comics background. […]

In three years

Alan Gardner at the Daily Cartoonist has listed the 28 editorial cartoonists to leave the profession in the last three years. Pretty shocking, especially when you see some of the names in that list.

Stars of political cartooning

Brian Cronin at Comics Should Be Good (from the typically comic-book oriented is in the middle of a daily October series dedicated to “Stars of Political Cartooning.” Cronin has some fantastic old scans to go with his history lessons, so check out the updating archive.

538 update is now including district breakdowns for Nebraska (and Maine) due to the national attention on the second district electoral vote. I got a kick out of this line explaining the political breakdown of Nebraska’s geography: If John McCain has a nervous breakdown and replaces himself on the ticket with Jack Abramoff, Obama might win […]