Your name is liar because you’re telling lies (updated)

From The Daily Dish:

We are being asked to believe that [Obama] called Sarah Palin a pig. If the people making that accusation have half a brain they know it’s not true. This is not a question of interpretation. It is a fact. So we now find out again that John McCain is prepared to tell an absolute lie – in public, verifiable, uncontestable.

He does not have the minimal public integrity to be president of the United States.

The Economists for Obama blog addresses the hypocrisy, including McCain’s own use of the phrase when discussing Hillary Clinton’s healthcare plan and McCain’s joke about Chelsea Clinton being ugly. Just add it to the list of intellectually dishonest rules these people expect everyone but themselves to follow. I say “these people” because there are conservatives, including the above quoted Andrew Sullivan, who are disgusted at what “conservatism” has become.

Anyone who watched Palin and McCain’s speeches knows they’re not above telling blatant lies. Anyone who’s seen Steve Schmidt continue to claim Obama will raise everyone’s federal taxes knows they’ll lie to anyone who’ll listen.

The important thing to remember behind this is that, with the exception of Schmidt, these lies aren’t coming from surrogates, angry bloggers or passionate supporters; these lies are coming straight from McCain and Palin themselves. Whether it’s regarding the bridge to nowhere, the plane on ebay or Obama’s proposals, they are continuing to repeat things they know to be untrue.

UPDATE: And how does the McCain campaign characterize Obama’s support of a bill that taught children warning signs to protect themselves from sexual predators? Why, it’s “Barack Obama wants to teach sex ed to kindergartners!” As Sullivan has now said, “McCain has demonstrated in the last two months that he does not have the character to be president of the United States … And McCain – no one else – has proved it.”

UPDATED AGAIN! Now McCain’s new ad, called “Fact Check,” lies about!

In “its latest ad, released Sept. 10, the McCain-Palin campaign has altered our message in a fashion we consider less than honest,” Factcheck said Wednesday on its website. “The ad strives to convey the message that said ‘completely false’ attacks on Gov. Sarah Palin had come from Sen. Barack Obama. We said no such thing. We have yet to dispute any claim from the Obama campaign about Palin.

Read Apology not Accepted by Joe Klein.
More at the New York Times Caucus blog: Rendell: ‘The Big Lie Strategy’

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