Top 10 Rejected Cartoon Ideas of the Month: January

I’ve decided to change the way I share the rejects, given that so many of the ideas are so outdated by the time I do a year-end countdown. So in order to make sure these rejected sketches are appreciated better closer to their proper temporal context, here begins what I hope will be a monthly process of counting down the Top 10 Rejects of the Month.

board of regents

illegal immigrants e-verify

american idol

ultrasound abortion schip

gangs omaha

grover norquist

omaha crime chief eric buske

senator christensen victoria's secret

neocon's guide to israel gaza palestine

joe ganz associated press abortion legislature

5 Responses

  1. Thanks for these, Neal! Particularly enjoyed numbers 6, 3 and 2, but #1 is simply priceless.

  2. I wholeheartedly agree with the idol toon. All the people they’ve shown from Nebraska are horrible and they always make a point to point out that they’re from here. Note: Hell’s Kitchen has a woman from Nebraska this go-round too. Better check it out soon, because it doesn’t look like she’ll be there for very long.

  3. This comment is completely behind, but I love the rejects of the month! I hope to see more of these– numbers 5, 3 and 1 are my favorites.

  4. Thanks, everyone. I hope you all realize that if I can keep coming up with 10 rejects a month, that means FOUR TIMES AS MANY REJECTS shared throughout the year.

    Ideally, I will have no rejects, because my editors will say “You are just coming up with too many fantastic ideas. We can’t keep letting your website hoard these brilliant cartoons. We must hire you to do more.” 😉

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