Ben Nelson vs. The Budget

from Politico:

“I have major concerns about trying to raise taxes in the midst of a downturn of the economy,” said Nelson, the conservative Nebraska Democrat. “On the one hand, you’re trying to stimulate the economy. On the other hand, you’re trying to keep money from going into taxpayers’ pockets. It’s very difficult to make that logic work.”

What we’re seeing here is the same thing we saw during the stimulus debate. Rather than basing his opposition on reality, Ben Nelson is basing his opposition on Republican talking points. Or as Matthew Yglesias said, “It’s particularly depressing here that Nelson seems to have gotten 100 percent of his information about Obama’s tax plans from Fox News and zero percent from participating in the extensive on- and off-the-record briefings for members of congress, congressional staff, and media that the administration has organized.”

For a little context on the top tax rates, check out the graph at Balloon Juice. As John Cole said, “The 2010 proposed rate of 39.60% = socialism. The 2002-2008 rates of 35.00% = capitalist nirvana. The 39.6% rate of the 1990’s = socialism. Everything else = down the memory hole.” It’s a durn shame we never had any economic growth before 1988. Oh, and if you’re really adventurous, check out the last time the top tax rates were in this neighborhood.

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