Free CDs for our troops – Oct 21, 2004

from the Lincoln Journal-Star

Because of the settlement between the big record labels and the federal government, thousands of free CDs were sent out to states for the purposes of stocking libraries and other public uses. Nebraska chose to send 5,000 of their free stash to the troops in Iraq.

Meanwhile, there was the infamous supplier team in Iraq who refused to run their mission because they felt, thanks to the inadequacy of their equipment and the absence of their protection, it was suicide.

Giving the city a black eye – Sept 30, 2004

from the San Diego Reader

The city is facing financial collapse thanks to decisions willfully made by the mayor and city council. Their bond ratings are being downgraded and their actions are under federal investigation. The 2003 audit still hasn’t been released, and probably won’t be released until after the November elections because of the information contained.

So what was the city’s response to all this information being made public?

The media is giving them a black eye.