Tulsa World hiring full-time cartoonist

According to Editor & Publisher, the Tulsa World is making news in the journalism world by deciding to fill the post vacated by the death of Doug Marlette. Read more about the job at the AAEC website. It’s a full-time gig at a newspaper that appreciates the value of a local editorial cartoonist. Get your […]

A rejected cartoon I really liked

This sketch did the rounds at the Journal Star and the Omaha Reader, but nobody bit, even though I really wanted it to run. Nebraska’s own astronaut, Clayton Anderson, was the star of several news stories the past week or so, since he’s the first Nebraskan to get shot up into space. One of Clayton’s […]

Draw me a river

Alan Gardner at Daily Cartoonist writes about cartoonists’ self-proclaimed status as an ‘endangered species’: When I wrote last week that today’s editorial cartoonists are ‘infatuated by their own victim status’ this is an example of what I mean. It’s becoming an incessant whine that their profession is in decline – but it’s been that way […]

Glenn Beck’s conspiracy theory

I found myself listening to Glenn Beck’s program today, and he was speaking with the mayor of some town on the problems brought about by illegal immigration. At the beginning of what I heard, he was coming at his opposition from a compassionate perspective: the way illegal immigrants are being treated is like modern day […]

The origin of “Compassionate Conservative”

from bradblog.com: Team Bush began describing candidate George W. Bush as a ‚Äúcompassionate conservative‚Äù in 1998, when Bush began his open run for president, as opposed to the behind-the-scenes operation that had begun with his first run for governor of Texas in 1994. By the time the 2000 presidential campaign was in full swing, probably […]