Now at!


Starting today, will start running my cartoons on a bi-weekly basis. Like with the Journal Star, most of these cartoons will be on local and Nebraska issues. The cartoons will run on Mondays at their site, but for the sake of not bunching up the new content (since my LJS cartoons run on Sunday), I’ll probably post them here on Tuesday. So if you want to see them as they’re released, check out

The only bad news is that this probably means fewer rejects at the end of each month. Which reminds me, I’m 16 days past the end of the last month. Rejects coming soon!

Get ’em while they last

You can now purchase “48 HOURS: A Collection of Two 24 Hour Comics” at both Legend Comics and Krypton Comics in Omaha.


The book includes both of the 24 Hour Comics I’ve completed, plus lots of “behind the scenes” commentary and sketches about the process of creating them. I only had 100 printed, a decent number sold at my art show in April, and now whatever is left is being sold at Krypton and Legend. So if you want one, go get one now, because when they are gone, they are gone.

Keeping up with Duke

Dave Maass at SD CityBeat has an update on Randy “Duke” Cunningham that is definitely worth the read.

But if you aren’t subscribing to the VoiceofSanDiego e-mail updates, you missed Randy Dotinga’s gem of a plug:

Cunningham is in a federal prison in Tucson, where he’s hoping to reduce his sentence by helping prisoners get their high-school equivalency degrees. “During the morning and afternoon I teach GED students and 3 nights/wk teach adult education,” he writes to the paper, which asked him by letter how things are going. “It was a good fit, since I have taught in college and high school.”

He also says he’s seen the flawed justice system first-hand. “Maybe that’s why God put me here to bring about much needed prison reform,” he writes. “Millions of prisoners but 4x that in families are harmed.”

I’m such a cynic. I think God put him in there because he committed really bad crimes.