from the Daily Nebraskan
Laurus is the UNL campus literary magazine. In 1999, it featured a photo of a naked lady walking into the ocean on its cover.
from the Daily Nebraskan
Laurus is the UNL campus literary magazine. In 1999, it featured a photo of a naked lady walking into the ocean on its cover.
from the Daily Nebraskan
from the Daily Nebraskan
Another example of a struggling cartoonist trying not to be an idiot, here I called a women’s soccer player a man. Sure, she was a brutish thug who started a fight that turned into a big brawl at an NU women’s soccer match. But this was kind of low.
from the Daily Nebraskan
A local pastor named Jimmy Creech was in trouble for performing a same-sex marriage. I’ve long lost the photo, but someone actually cut out the pieces and put together a Jimmy Creche.
from the Daily Nebraskan
from the Daily Nebraskan
The original print version included the text “In case of emergency, smoke this cartoon.”
from the Daily Nebraskan
The last comment wasn’t completely random — someone had been spotted doing just that around the time of this cartoon.
from the Daily Nebraskan
from the Daily Nebraskan
Another cartoon accused of being racist. I was just trying to say how many good football players Nebraska had with the last name of Brown. Some thought the white woman was supposed to be OJ’s dead ex-wife Nicole Brown. This is why I don’t do nice cartoons anymore.