The good guys – Feb 3, 2008

from the Lincoln Journal Star

von maur gun control

Here is what the NRA opposes (from the Lincoln Journal Star):

Gun-related requirements in LB958

* Gun owners must report lost or stolen firearms within 48 hours.

* State Patrol would maintain registry of lost or stolen guns.

* All retailers would have to include gun lock or trigger lock with each gun sold and post a notice about safe gun storage.

* Minimum sentence for using a gun in certain felonies would be increased to five years in prison.

* Gun Violence Commission would be established to investigate surge in gun violence and gun-related deaths and make recommendations for reducing the violence.

* Police would be required to trace ownership of all guns found in possession of minors and all guns found while investigating crimes, with the information reported to the State Patrol.

0 Responses

  1. you take the guns away from the good guys, the bad guys still have them. if the kid at vanmor didn’t have a gun he would of used a car,knife,bomb, lets get real people. is this america or england. give your rights away and we will be under control of some communist government.

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