0 Responses

  1. Good stuff…and very true. I don’t think it’s the occupation of one’s hands that creates the problem, it’s the pre-occupation of the mind, and a hands-free device doesn’t really remedy that problem.

    I’m also intrigued by these bans on texting while driving. I don’t text while I drive because there is nothing so important to send my friends via text that I can’t wait til I get out of my vehicle. I think such a ban might be a good idea…but how would you ever enforce it?

    Me: “No officer, I wasn’t texting, I was just dialing!”

    Officer: “Oh, okay then, move it along, nothing to see here…”

  2. Man, Mike, did they ban your LJS.com access at work? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining at all, I’m just kind of surprised to see you commenting here so much. Keep it coming.

    When a bill came up in the Unicameral a few years ago to ban talking on cell phones while driving, it actually said that texting was okay. Thank goodness that didn’t pass. That’s even stupider than California’s ban.

  3. So I just found out about your site. I live in SF now and let me tell you that this ban is the biggest load of bs I’ve seen in a bit. First of all the drivers here are retarded in general. Right of way is apparently a suggestion, not a way to ease decisions on the road. The point is the ban isn’t going to make people better drivers, just another “what if” scenario that managed to get people to buy products that make them look like a douche in public. Not the first law-created racket. Smog check anyone?

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