0 Responses

  1. Good stuff and very entertaining. I like the cigarettes and the Dew. I just wonder why the one guy has a bottle…is his friend too much of a jerk to share?

    I would only add that it would also be every bit as intellectually dishonest to claim that one slightly warmer summer is irrefutable proof of global warming. The same would hold true if one were to claim that a slightly cooler summer is irrefutable evidence of global cooling. It’s just weather.

  2. I would only add that it would also be every bit as intellectually dishonest to claim that one slightly warmer summer is irrefutable proof of global warming.

    That’s kind of the point, Mike. Both guys are bummed.

  3. Thanks — they need you to explain it to them over at the LJS blog. (And I can’t say I really blame you for assuming that I was just going after the global warming skeptic…)

  4. I just tossed this to some of my professors. I had mentioned in class yesterday how it was a given that following every snow, the Public Pulse would include a letter from someone scoffing at climate change. Nice!

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