Just begins Johanns is an idiot, that doesn’t make Ricci v Destefano any less accurate. Sotomayor and her colleagues passed the buck when they refused to issue a decent ruling in the case, giving a summary order, then a whopping 8 sentence long per curiam opinion that had nothing of substance in it. The fact that the City of New Haven could not offer an example of a less disparate impact test shows that the City, out of fear of being called racists by the black fire fighters engaged in a racist act against the white firefighters. Had nothing to do with things being tough for the whites, it had to do with the fact that the city couldn’t prove it was TOO tough for the blacks.
Just begins Johanns is an idiot, that doesn’t make Ricci v Destefano any less accurate. Sotomayor and her colleagues passed the buck when they refused to issue a decent ruling in the case, giving a summary order, then a whopping 8 sentence long per curiam opinion that had nothing of substance in it. The fact that the City of New Haven could not offer an example of a less disparate impact test shows that the City, out of fear of being called racists by the black fire fighters engaged in a racist act against the white firefighters. Had nothing to do with things being tough for the whites, it had to do with the fact that the city couldn’t prove it was TOO tough for the blacks.