7 Responses

  1. I was hoping for one of those marijuana PSA’s, where the kid screams ” I learned it from you!” at the father…

  2. Oh man it’s funny you say that — I was actually planning on doing a separate blog post about some of the earlier takes on this concept that led up to this cartoon. One of the sketches is very much along those lines — those PSAs were totally in my mind as I was working on how to express this idea.

  3. This one just doesn’t make enough sense, Neal. Think about how much stronger the cartoon would be with a “little squirrel guy” in the corner of the 4th panel, subtly declaring “Maybe we should blame ourselves!”

    It’s traditional to have little faith in your readers. Get with the program.

  4. Neal, I LOVE this cartoon! You said what I’ve been thinking ever since this racist act was first reported. When the highest elected official in this state gets elected on an anti-Hispanic platform, that sets the tone for what happened at the soccer pitch. A fish rots from the head.

  5. It’s important to distinguish racism from ignorance and insensitivity. Create cartoon Neal – I think you threaded the needle nicely.

  6. So good!

    This reminds me of the insensitivity toward Native Americans that went on at UNL earlier this year.

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