Concern for Koterba

I think maybe the Omaha World-Herald should be concerned about their editorial cartoonist, Jeff Koterba. Either he’s suffering from some kind of amnesia or lack of creative ideas, or they’re getting ripped off while paying him for rehashing unimaginative excuses for cartoons.

Take a look at today’s cartoon.

Jeff made me take his cartoons down, so this used to be a cartoon of snow blowing, kid says it was great getting a snow day, other kid says it gave him a chance to finish his global warming report.

What’s the basic idea here? It’s cold and snowy, which is ironic, because scientists claim the earth is falling prey to global warming. Okay. It’s a bit naive and simplistic, but it’s at least drawn well.

Well let’s take a look at his cartoon from January 15th of this year – not quite a month ago.

Guy standing in snowstorm with a sign saying “Bush: Stop global warming.”

Oh hey! I recognize that point!

This isn’t an isolated incident. Koterba’s been known to display these symptoms before. Continue reading