Mark Fabiani and Michael Moore – July 19, 2004

From the San Diego Reader

Filmmaker Michael Moore has hired Chargers lobbyist (and former Clinton PR man) Mark Fabiani to run the media war room for his film Fahrenheit 9/11. The ironic thing is, the Chargers are owned by the Spanos family – such prominent big-business Republicans that Rush Limbaugh wrote the foreword to Alex Spanos’ autobiography. Now, for anyone who has seen Fahrenheit 9/11, by Michael Moore’s standard of investigation and implication, that would suggest that Moore and Limbaugh are in cahoots.

Dick Cheney – June 21, 2004

from the Summer 2004 Daily Nebraskan.

Dick Cheney came to Lincoln, his childhood hometown, for a 1st Congressional District fundraiser. He spoke (as he still does) about the link between Iraq and 9/11. This was about a week after the 9/11 Commission revealed that they could find no link between Iraq and 9/11.