Union-Tribune vs. Mike Aguirre – Oct 18, 2007

from the San Diego Reader

union tribune mike aguirre bruce henderson robert simmons peter navarro

This has been a fascinating time to watch the Union-Tribune‘s embarrassing attacks on city attorney Mike Aguirre.

Don Bauder got the ball rolling on his October 10 blog:

Yesterday, City Attorney Mike Aguirre got an urgent email from Bob Kittle, Union-Tribune editorial writer. Kittle demanded to know if Aguirre had broken city law by taking the whopping sum of $1,640 in campaign donations from 6 of his employees. Then Kittle closed with this totally unprofessional question: “When are you going to resign?”

So City Attorney Mike Aguirre accepted campaign contributions from some of his employees, and the day after e-mailing Aguirre, Kittle wrote an extremely harsh attack on the city attorney’s office. The U-T cited the city charter, which states:

No officer or employee shall solicit or accept any donation or gratuity in money, or other thing of value, either directly or indirectly, from any subordinate or employee, or from any one under his charge, or from any candidate or applicant for any position as employee or subordinate in any Department of the City.

They accused the city attorney and six of his staff of illegal activity and outlined the legal justification for their removal from office. As Voice of San Diego editor Scott Lewis said, “The U-T didn’t simply postulate that the law might have been violated. It claimed with certainty it had and laid out a path to justice.”

This led the San Diego County Republican Party to file an ethics complaint against Aguirre and his six staff members in order to have them removed from office.

The problem is, the U-T forgot to read all of the city charter.

As Don Bauder pointed out,

But that part of the charter does not apply to political campaigns. The Ethics Commission makes it clear that such contributions are fine if they are not solicited, as these were not, according to the donors…The U-T editorial stressed that the employees who made the small donations had received raises.

So it looks like the Union-Tribune falsely accused six people of crimes and ethical violations when they were doing something 100% entirely legal. One of the city attorney’s staff is already laying out plans to sue the U-T. Check out this from VoSD:

One of the subplots to the frenzied reaction to yesterday’s Union-Tribune editorial criticizing City Attorney Mike Aguirre’s campaign fundraising was the threat by Executive Assistant City Attorney Don McGrath to sue the newspaper or its editorial page editor, Bob Kittle, for libel.

McGrath said he was penning a letter to Kittle informing him of the steps he would have to take in order to avoid being sued for damages. McGrath threatened to take ownership of the outlet.

“I want a newspaper,” McGrath said.

Bauder had more:

McGrath is writing Copley Press’s lawyer, Hal Fuson, and the editorial’s author, Bob Kittle, saying, “You are implying that I gave Aguirre a bribe in order to get a pay raise. Do a retraction or I will see you in court.” McGrath said he didn’t even know he had received a raise until Mayor Jerry Sanders published a list of salaries. Shortly after making his donation, McGrath told Aguirre about it. Aguirre said he should check with a lawyer. McGrath replied that he had already done so and had been told that such donations are not only legal, but common.

Cartoonist profile: Bob Al-Greene

This is the first in what I hope will be a regular series of profiles on young cartoonists. Whether they’re in high school or early in their college cartooning days (at least prior to winning the Charles Schultz award) I hope to take a day every two weeks or so to shine a spotlight on a cartoonist early in their career.

The inaugural cartoonist in this series is Bob Al-Greene, an 18-year-old freshman at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. Bob is one of three cartoonists at the Daily Nebraskan, the UN-L student newspaper. He earned a ranking of Superior at the Spring 2006 National JEA/NSPA convention in San Francisco. He has also won a few awards from Quill and Scroll, the National Federation of Press Women and he was the Nebraska High School Journalist of the Year last year.

NEAL OBERMEYER: When did you get your start in editorial cartooning? What made you decide to start?

click to view the full-size image and Bob’s thoughts on the cartoon

BOB AL-GREENE: I’ve been drawing my whole life, but I started doing cartoons during my sophomore year in high school for the school newspaper, the Central High Register. Central’s journalism department is one of the very best in the entire country, so I couldn’t have asked for a better opportunity, as far as turning my work in to competitions and things like that. My mom originally had urged me to start up a website and start putting up my cartoons, but I’m only getting around to that now.

The opportunity to express a clear and defined opinion solely through my art and a few choice words was, looking back, not something I was sure I could do, because I don’t consider my art to be in the same style as a lot of cartoonists, but it’s been working pretty well for me so far.

N: I would agree that your art is not in the same style as the “traditional” editorial cartoons – have you ever felt any pressure to conform – from yourself or others – or had people tell you “This isn’t what editorial cartoons are supposed to look like!”

B: I’ve tried a couple of times to simplify my drawings or stylize them even more, but instead my stuff just comes across looking childish, which is what I don’t want, so it doesn’t see print. I’m not sure I’ve found my artistic niche quite yet. I still have some evolving to do. I actually can’t remember anyone ever telling me, “This isn’t what editorial cartoons are supposed to look like!” or anything like that, and I’ll credit that to the fact that everyone has a different style and the truth is, cartoons are an extremely open genre and can be taken in any number of directions.

This summer a cartoonist was on “The News Hour” (one of my favorite programs to get ideas from) and he was talking about how cartoonists are having to make the switch to the Internet to keep their readership, and how they’re literally doing animated cartoons with voice-overs and impressions… That just turns the entire concept on its head. This is a very exciting time to be a young journalist. Continue reading