World-Herald changes facts in letters

But it’s okay, because it doesn’t make the war sound as bad.

Over at the New Nebraska Network, Don Kuhns shares a letter he wrote in which the World Herald’s editors changed data on the cost of the Iraq war:

The editing job you did on my last letter contained an error that cannot be ignored. The sentence you altered was this:

“According to the Congressional Research Service, we now spend approximately $328 million per day in Iraq.”

You changed that factual statement into this false statement:

“We are spending tens of millions of dollars daily on Iraq.”

Since when is it the job of an editor to change a completely reasonable, accurate, and easily verifiable statement into one that is demonstrably false?

I could understand wanting to perhaps adjust a hyperbolic account of spending to something more precise and verifiable, but Kuhns obviously started out precise and cited his source.

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