Get the nails

This was going to run in the Journal Star, but it was pulled somewhat last-minute due to concerns over the crucifixion implication. I was trying to say “Pelini is holding his arms out like his hands are about to be nailed to some wood.” An informal test audience thought a reader could appreciate the cartoon without getting the crucifixion subtext, but the concern was that the Journal Star approved it without getting the fact that it was suggesting that type of execution. That’s the kind of thing I don’t want my clients realizing after the cartoon is in print.

bo pelini nebraska football cornhuskers crucify crucifixion

2 Responses

  1. i don’t know, but it looks like he’s squeezing out a deuce in his depends, with arms raised in some strange ritual that i’m not aware of… it looks like a shit/religious effort… he’s gonna fit in quite nicely.

  2. or maybe a bubble caption could read, “Come on! Let’s get this right! I gotta 4 o’clock w/ Tatiana the Russian masseuse.”
    and then some nameless f.b. player behind him says, “Oh, he knows Tatiana?”
    then the other one says, “Oh, she’s spectacular!” — all fag like and make a little gay hand gesture penciled in…

    You know what i mean????
    Yeah, you know what i mean.

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