I’m honestly not sure why I had so few sketches to choose from this month. I store these things chronologically and there’s a gap in the early part of June, yet I don’t remember taking two weeks off. Anyway, on with the countdown!
8. I’m actually kind of glad this one didn’t get picked. I like the idea — that not helping people simply because you find them objectionable is profoundly unchristian — but I was a little uncomfortable with the New Testament references. I thought they were essential to making the point of how hypocritical the Nebraska Catholic Conference was being, yet I think it could have been counterproductive to compare homosexuality to crimes and illnesses.
7. I don’t think anyone got this one, which is understandable. I was just trying to make a goofy joke off of how people had no idea what they were ingesting. Although I have no idea if he’s ever been a smoker, Thomas Spann was my inspiration for the guy on the right.
3. These are two variations on the same theme, so I’ve bundled them together as one.
2. Mark Christensen
(I’ve decided to take this one down.)
1. This one was almost approved to go in the Journal Star.
Previous top rejects of the month: May | April | March | February | January
hahaha…some good stuff..I specifically like the last one. real funny!
Sometimes I think the rejects are better than the ones you get to put out. Or I just agree with them more?
You and me both (sometimes). If I didn’t love them, I wouldn’t share them.