
I got blasted in two letters this week for this cartoon:

Cartoon in poor taste

I thought Neal Obermeyer’s editorial cartoon (LJS, Aug. 10) was in especially poor taste, and you should not have run it. Regardless of how you feel about the topic of abortion (in any form), referring to the ruthless murder of Dr. Tiller as a “hint” condones lawless behavior and insults Tiller’s survivors.

The editorial page may be wide open, and I support your right to free speech, but that right comes with some social responsibility and you failed to show any restraint. Shame on you.

Mark Forster, Lincoln

An insult to faith

I must take strong exception to the Neal Obermeyer cartoon published in the Aug. 10 Journal Star. To label the slaying of Dr. George Tiller a “hint” is an affront to those on both sides of the right-to-life question who believe in the rule of law in this country, and suggests Obermeyer’s approval of the accused killer’s actions. The gunning down of Tiller in a church was a cold and cowardly act of murder – nothing less. To call it anything else insults all people of faith who believe there are no exceptions to the sixth commandment.

Alexander Currie, Lincoln

The murder of Dr. Tiller was clearly supposed to send a message to other doctors that continuing to perform these services will put a target on your head. Threats of violence are inexcusable. What I was attempting to do with the cartoon was expose the awfulness of this reality by putting it in a sort of silly, flippant context (sort of like in previous cartoons like this and this), juxtaposing something serious with something truly mundane in hopes that the contrast would emphasize the vileness of the situation. I clearly failed.

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