Category Archives: blogs

Merry Christmas six years ago!

I used to do a radio show on 90.3 KRNU called “You are So Beautiful, Beautiful Robot.” It has nothing to do with editorial cartoons, but a friend of mine uploaded the two hours of the show for me, so I now have them available online if you’d care to download them and get festive. […]

Thanks for a great opening!

Thanks to everyone who came out last night for the opening of Put That In Your Pipeline and Smoke It. The turnout was great and I got to meet a lot of new people and see some old faces. If you weren’t able to make it, or if you did make it and you want […]

KeystoneXL Cartoon Art show Thursday!

I’m having an art show this Thursday at The Sydney at 60th & Maple in Omaha. It’s all editorial cartoons about the KeystoneXL pipeline — some Lincoln Journal Star cartoons, some BoldNebraska cartoons, and some rejects brought to life! The event is from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. this Thursday, November 10th. The Sydney is […]

Why is it not a bigger deal that Governor Heineman was caught lying to reporters?

In the Lincoln Journal Star, reporter Algis Laukaitis quoted Governor Dave Heineman summarizing a closed-door meeting of midwest governors: OMAHA — Fearing a repeat of the flood devastation that occurred this year along the Missouri River, governors from five states asked the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on Monday to take a pre-emptive and unprecedented […]