Category Archives: blogs

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Here are four Bigfoot & Nessie Valentines for you to print out and share with your friends! To download high-resolution front and back sheets suitable for printing, click the links below: Front Back Special thanks to Erin Burke for helping with the ideas. Enjoy!

The Miseducation of Jon Bruning

The old story of Attorney General Jon Bruning’s path from Daily Nebraskan liberal to hardcore conservative has been around for years. I remember back during my second stint at the DN in grad school, a few politically minded students discovered that Bruning’s liberal columns had been removed from the bound volumes in the DN archives. […]

Birther update

Well, it took a reprinted Nebraska News Service article in the McCook Daily Gazette for Nebraska media to touch it, but now people are finally talking about Senator Mark Christensen’s Birther Bill. The story is worth reading, but here are a few interesting points: Christensen was motivated to introduce the bill because “Whenever you have […]

Top 10 Rejects of Dec 2010 / Jan 2011

So as commenter Todd pointed out the other day, I kind of stopped doing the reject countdowns. June was the last one I did in 2010. There were several reasons for this — I started using an iPad for my sketches in early July, which changed how I saved my cartoons and made it a […]


Ask and ye shall receive. I added these “Like” buttons to the blog, hopefully making it easier to share your love. I haven’t tested one yet, largely due to being too embarrassed to “Like” my own posts. But I think I’m going to try it out in the name of science.

Now at!

Starting today, will start running my cartoons on a bi-weekly basis. Like with the Journal Star, most of these cartoons will be on local and Nebraska issues. The cartoons will run on Mondays at their site, but for the sake of not bunching up the new content (since my LJS cartoons run on Sunday), […]